About me image
Liz Hitchcock
Clinical Behaviourial Hypnotherapist and Careers Coach
B Ed. Dip CG Dip CBH

The constant uncertainty we have faced, and continue to face, has left many of us experiencing high levels of anxiety, stress and isolation - a feeling of being stuck - repeating the same patterns of behaviour but not knowing how to change.

My interest in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy began after I had found it greatly beneficial. I know how seemingly impossible it can be to overcome self-doubt when we feel isolated and anxious; we put our plans on hold, we worry about the future and we stop enjoying simple pleasures.

My work background is in both business and education. I have a degree in education and a postgraduate diploma in careers guidance I have worked as a careers adviser in schools, colleges and universities - empowering students to grow as individuals, increase in confidence and reach their potential.

My business background has been in commercial recruitment and training, I have also worked for British Airways as long haul crew and in cabin crew recruitment.

When I got married and moved to Kent, I joined a recruitment and training company. I developed a Return to Work training course- aimed at teaching new computer literacy skills and increasing confidence. The success and demand for the course meant that after two years we had six sites in Kent. The transformation and success of our clients was incredible to see. Hundreds successfully built new careers. It was fantastic to be part of their success. It was so clear how much we underestimate our achievements, and the critical importance of self belief- is what made the change possible.

My route into clinical cognitive hypnotherapy started after I had left work and become a full time mum. We had moved away from friends and family and over time I felt isolated and lacking in confidence. I wanted to return to work but didn't feel capable. I looked for a solution and tried hypnotherapy. I guessed there was nothing to lose! I was sceptical and nervous initially, but after three sessions (very relaxing and pleasant), I felt amazing - my mind was clear and I felt so much more optimistic. My confidence and focus were sky high – I applied for a senior role and got it! That one step enabled me to move on, build new friendships and feel like myself again.

I have since become fully qualified to practice with a Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy as well as an Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy. I am certified by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council.

I would love the chance to explain how I can help you.

Please contact me for either a free, no obligation 15 minute call,  or if you prefer by email.