What to expect.
A partnership approach

The key to success is built on trust, understanding and working as a team. 

My role is to listen to you and agree a course of action. Each client’s solution will be different. I want you to become skilled at using the techniques – for you to be your own therapist. To make myself redundant!

Using a wide range of highly effective evidence based techniques I can help you overcome anxiety and stress, break habits and dispel phobias, build confidence and increase performance.

Our first session last 90 minutes and gives us the chance to get to know one another, to understand what you want to achieve and for us to develop a bespoke plan to get you there. 

Each session after that will be 60 minutes.

To be effective it will be important to practise the skills that I teach you - repetition is key to this. It's easy and enjoyable to do and will mean you progress much more quickly.

At the beginning of each session we will appraise what has worked best and adapt to suit your needs.

The beauty of cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy is that it encompasses such a wide range of techniques that a treatment plan can be designed to reflect your needs.

It's highly effective because you gradually learn the skills to help yourself.

Everyone can learn - there's no right or wrong way - just practise.